Sean Kennedy BAET, CAT (C), CSEP-CPT
Certified First Responder
What inspired you to choose Athletic Therapy as your mission?
When I was 24, I had a knife injury to my foot resulting in loss of sensation and motor control of my foot muscles. I went to see a physiotherapist who helped me get back on my feet. It was my first experience with exercise rehabilitation, to which ignited a new avenue of self-development. I greatly enjoyed exploring and learning about the healing process, which led to my pursuit of education in Athletic Therapy.
Where did you get your training?
I graduated in 2020 with a bachelor’s degree in Athletic and Exercise Therapy at Camosun College. With a diploma in Business administration. Through the program, I completed 1,500 hours of field and clinical training. Throughout my practicum, I worked with various high-performance athletes as well as those with physical limitations and chronic conditions. Ultimately discovering my passion for clinical rehabilitation work.
While completing my degree, I worked as a personal trainer since 2017, applying my knowledge and further developing my coaching and interpersonal skills.
What do you do to stay active?
You can typically find me exercising in the in the gym, as well as spending time outdoors playing soccer, spike ball, Muay Thai kickboxing, hiking, and scuba diving!
What injuries or conditions have you overcome? How did you resolve the challenge?
Throughout my years of playing various sports, I have had my fair share of injuries. Most notably however, was my knife injury while working in a restaurant kitchen. My tibialis anterior tendon and peroneal nerve were lacerated, resulting in the need for surgical reattachment and extensive rebab to regain function of my foot. Losing the ability to simply walk, let alone exercise, took an emotional toll on my mental wellbeing. This injury most definitely gave me a greater appreciation for my physical health. Throughout my recovery process, I took a keen interest in learning the physiology of my injury, the purpose of specific treatments, and progressive rehabilitation training. After several months, I regained nerve innervation and full range of motion of my foot.
Which of your life’s accomplishments are you most proud of?
My internal self-development is an accomplishment I reflect on with gratitude and humility. Although the path of self-development is a lifelong journey I plan to continue, I honor my achievements thus far in developing a healthy relationship with myself and in turn those around me. Introspection leads to a greater understanding of how I can learn from my past and carry forward the lessons into my future.
Venturing into different study and careers paths led me to eventually find my passion of helping others reach their goals.
What top three goals do you have yet to accomplish?
- Pursue a Masters in Physiotherapy with a minor in Education
- Travel to as many destinations as possible in my lifetime
- Improving my work and personal life balance; when in harmony, this enables me to be the best coach for my clients!
What is your best advice to stay healthy for life?
Establish your why. Have a clear rationale for why you are choosing to lead a healthful life. Why are you implementing positive behavioral changes? Why is it important to remain accountable and how is it detrimental if not being kept? How are your actions towards a healthy lifestyle promoting your overall quality of life? When improving your health, you radiate that energy to those around you. Dig deep for that reason that keeps you going. Keep reminding yourself of your why as that is the key component for sustainability. Live your life with intention.
What are your words to live by?
“The thing about limitations is that they are only true as long as you believe in them. So, instead of believing in your limitations, start believing in yourself.”
– Jay Shetty.