GLA:D™ for Knee and Hip Osteoarthritis

GLA:D for Knee and Hip Osteoarthritis

At UpLevel Physio, we are constantly seeking the newest and most effective methodologies to reinvigorate our patients. We are excited to integrate a new program specifically for those affected by hip and/or knee osteoarthritis.

GLA:D Canada Program

Introducing GLA:D™ at UpLevel Physio

The GLA:D™ program is an education and exercise program that has helped thousands of people afflicted with hip and/or knee osteoarthritis (OA) manage their symptoms of pain and loss of function.

GLA:D™ is an evidence-based program for treatment and management of osteoarthritic symptoms. GLA:D™ Canada is licensed to the Canadian Orthopaedic Foundation. It is currently being implemented by Bone and Joint Canada, a knowledge translation division of the Canadian Orthopaedic Foundation, with funding from the Ontario Trillium Foundation.

GLA:D™ at UpLevel Physio, lead by Trish Mara (BAET, CSEP-CEP, CSCS) and Marcia Kirby (MSc, BScPT) is a small group Physiotherapy program (up to 6 participants maximum) that includes:

  • Individualized assessment of your specific condition to determine if GLA:D™ is the most effective treatment approach for you
  • 2 group information sessions
  • 12 one-hour exercise sessions

Working with a small group allows participants to foster camaraderie and offer support to one another and encourages a sense of accountability and commitment to your treatment plan.

To register please send an email to or call the weight room at Saanich Commonwealth Pool at 250-475-7630.

For more information, contact or read more about the GLA:D™ program here.

*Please note: if your condition is assessed to not be suitable for GLA:D™, we will recommend a therapeutic treatment plan that takes into account your specific needs. You would not be responsible for any further GLA:D™ sessions; further treatment plans would be subject to our regular rate for kinesiology.

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